Financials and Accountability

The Town of Palm Beach United Way is committed to transparency and accountability with your donations. We believe in the efficient and wise stewardship of your contributions to ensure funds are directed to programs provided by qualified partner agencies that are proven to positively impact our community.

Local volunteers govern our organization and are involved in all major decision-making from the Town of Palm Beach United Way Board of Trustees to the Allocation Committee process. These volunteers reflect our community and its needs.

Community Investment

We ensure contributions reach those in need through a dedicated team of approximately 100 donor/volunteers from our community. This team spends over 3,000 hours reviewing all programs at our partner agencies. Volunteers assess agency budgets, IRS Form 990s, and audits, as well as spend time at each agency to learn how its programs work and how they impact the well-being of our community. Following this extensive review, the volunteer team recommends funding to our Board of Trustees. Once approved, the Town of Palm Beach United Way distributes these funds to the designated agency throughout the following fiscal year. 

Annual Reporting

The Town of Palm Beach United Way annually files a solicitation permit with the Florida Department of Agriculture (CH368),
Form 990 with the IRS, and is audited annually by an independent audit firm.  

Administrative Costs

Our administrative costs remain fairly consistent from year to year; however, the amount of pledges and donations we raise each year does vary. It is that variable of “monies raised” that causes our actual percentage of administrative expenses to change from year to year. Our administrative and overhead expenses rate for 2024 was 9.26%, as calculated by our IRS 990. 


The Town of Palm Beach United Way is a recipient of the four-star rating from Charity Navigator, America's premier independent charity evaluator. This is the highest possible rating from Charity Navigator and indicates that our organization exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities based on financial health, governance, accountability and transparency. 


The Town of Palm Beach United Way is a recipient of the Candid/GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency. The Platinum Seal is the highest level of recognition offered by Candid and demonstrates that our organization is committed to measuring progress and results, and providing information to the public openly and completely.   


Annually, all United Ways certify their adherence to standards that include comprehensive requirements for financial reporting, governance, ethics, diversity and operations.