Leave a Lasting Legacy
Please remember the Town of Palm Beach United Way in your will or estate plan and please tell us when you do, so we can THANK YOU!
When you support the Town of Palm Beach United Way with a gift to the annual campaign, you know that your donation will help people in need in our community throughout the current year. You may not be aware that there is another way to contribute which can ensure that your spirit of caring will continue to touch the community for many years to come: planned giving.
Legacy Society
Andree G. Anderson
Barker Welfare Foundation
Carol Barton
Mrs. Jack Bass
Frank S. Bell, Jr.
Warren Belmar
Judy Bergman
Sandra and Richard Bornstein
The Brekus Family
Reverend Pam Cahoon
Edward W. and Patricia L. Cook
Mark W. Cook
Mrs. Edward J. Danziger
Mary Dawkins
Robert and Merrill Debbs
Margaret C. Donnelley
Suzy Donohue and Monte Oeste
Susie Dwinell
Marjorie A. Eddy
Hidemi and Paul Fallon
Susan Faries
Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
Miles and Shirley Fiterman Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gallagher
Margaret and Robert Galetta
Bruce Goodman
Abraham Gosman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Granoff
Peggy and Richard D. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Guyott
Mary Harrington
J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Foundation
Edward L. and Ruth S. Hennessy Foundation
Helene Herzig
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hight
Inga Hiilvirta
Mr. and Mrs. Neri J. Holzer
Mrs. Charles Jones, Jr.
Robin King
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Kohl
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lazzara
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leventhal
Gerald H. Levy
Shirley Lockshin
Nancy and John V. Maio
Clyde and Diane McNeal
Jeri and Steven Meltzer
Alan H. and Harriet L. Miller
Bradford and Pamela Miller
Danielle Hickox Moore, Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
Steven and Kathy Mueller
Charlotte Munn
Nick T. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Peroulakis
Ronnie and Susan Pertnoy
Barbara Picower
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ribakoff
Linda Rossbach
David and Betty Scaff
Kay Segerdahl
Selma Terner Slater
Lesly S. Smith, Fortin Foundation of Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Stern
Richard Sussman
Lisa Swift
In Loving Memory of Felicia Taylor
Mrs. Pasquale Valenti
Jim and Beth Walton
Mrs. Howard A. Weiss
Lisa and Chad Wilkinson
Roger and Kimberly Yaseen
John Javits Zeeman
AB Lane
Nat Appleman
Valerie Aspinwall
Emily C. Bowman
Tish Carlo
B. Franklin Copp
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Curtis
Harriet Dorman
Elinor Drucker
Claudia Morse Evans
Cecil B. Everly
Jean Feather
Armand Hammer
Nell Hight
JE and Mildred Hollingsworth
Jean Kaskey
Margaret Kramer
Isadore Levin
Nelson Mintz
Albert Morris
Melvin B. Nessel
Harold Church Paull, Sr.
Robert O. Prior
Eleanor Rabb
Max J. Raff
Abraham J. Schuel
Betty S. Schulkind
Dr. Albert Shapiro
Irving T. Smith Trust
John Tatooles and Victor Moore
Edmund H. Taylor
Norma and Bill Tiefel
Fred P. Weissman
Babbette Wolff
There are several ways to make a planned gift to the Town of Palm Beach United Way.
Endow Your Gift
It generally takes a commitment of 20 times your annual contribution to endow an annual gift.
Bequests Through a Will or Trust
The most popular and simplest way to make a planned gift is under your will or trust. You can provide a specific dollar amount, a percentage, a residual amount, real estate, or tangible property to the Town of Palm Beach United Way. This provision can be made through a new will or trust or added as a codicil or amendment.
IRA Rollover and Pension Fund Gifts
Often the largest part of one’s estate, these are some of the best ways to make a charitable gift because of the ease of initiation, particularly under new legislation. Donating these assets to a charity, avoids double taxation under income and estate tax provisions. The Town of Palm Beach United Way can be named as a partial or contingent beneficiary of your retirement or pension plan.
Gifts of Life Insurance
There are a variety of ways to make a charitable gift of insurance policies. With a relatively small outlay, you can make a substantial gift while obtaining tax benefits. The Town of Palm Beach United Way can be named as the sole, partial, or contingent beneficiary of a new or existing policy. Also, a paid up policy can be donated to United Way as the owner and sole beneficiary.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Certain charitable vehicles can provide you with a lifetime income, with the remainder being left to charity. These options ensure an income stream during your lifetime or the lifetime of your designated beneficiaries, leaving the residual benefit to charity. This is a simple and flexible way to maintain or increase your income and also benefit the Town of Palm Beach United Way.
For more information on making a future gift to the Town of Palm Beach United Way, contact Beth Walton at 561.655.1919 or bethwalton@palmbeachunitedway.org.
If you wish to include the Town of Palm Beach United Way in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID as follows:
Legal Name: Town of Palm Beach United Way
Address: 44 Cocoanut Row, M-201, Palm Beach, Florida 33480
EIN Federal Tax ID Number: 59-0637885