Town of Palm Beach United Way
12th Annual School Supply Drive
The 12th Annual Town of Palm Beach United Way School Supply Drive collected $14,698 and thousands of school supplies to benefit children in need during the 2024-2025 school year. The drive ran July 28 through August 11.
In total, the School Supply Drive received 16,869 individual items, including pencils, pens, crayons, markers, notebooks, erasers, backpacks, folders and binders.
3rd Annual Logo Contest
For the third consecutive year, the School Supply Drive featured a logo contest. Students 18 and under were asked to submit a drawing depicting the Town of Palm Beach United Way’s annual School Supply Drive, including a brief description of what they created and why.
The winning design was created by Harlan Lambert, 10, of Palm Beach. The African-themed design features a giraffe collecting school supplies.
“I drew this drawing because my friend is visiting from Africa, so I drew a giraffe and we both love reading and school, so I combined our likes and loves to make this drawing,” Lambert wrote in her submission letter.
Her design will serve as next year’s logo, and she will also receive a $200 Amazon Gift Card. In total, 7 students participated in the contest. All participants received a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
Thank You 2024 Donors
Linda and Skip Aldridge
Thomas Barone and Terri Ruttle
Mrs. Jack Bass
Carol and Harold Baxter
Winston Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blumer
Mr. and Mrs. Riccardo Boehm
Carrie Bradburn
Eileen Burns
Julian Butler
The Capello Family
Brad and Maggie Clifton
College Admissions Counseling Group, Inc.
Mrs. Frank Coniglio
W. Anthony and Annette Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. James Engel
Esther Feldberg
Field of Greens
First Horizon
Douglas EJ Fredricks
Mary and Mark Freitas
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gantcher
Edith Gelfand
Sue Gibson
Patti Sans and Sherman Goodrich
Kimberly and Scott Goodwin
Lee, Susan and Sam Gordon
Residents of Harbour House
J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Foundation
Carol C. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hunt
Ellen and Robert Jaffe
Sheila and Bob Josephberg
Jeff Koons
Fred Levin
Fran and Jack Levy
Clyde and Diane McNeal
Jean Meisenzahl
Tim and Bridget Moran
Heidi and John Niblack
Residents of Oasis
Earl Olitsky
Lenore Orlowska-Warren
Palm Beach Accounting and Financial Services, LLC
Palm Beach Flagler Rotary Club
Sandra Palmer
Rosemarie Poggi
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Polozker
Joyce Reingold
Nancy Gofberg and Ron Risner
The Rothschild Family
Pamela Saba
Patricia L. Sans
The Frances G. Scaife Private Foundation
J. David and Anita Seay
A Seltzer
Linda Siris
Residents of Sloans Curve
Louise and Barry Snyder
Clay and Jessica Surovek Family
Bruce Taylor
Susan O. Taylor
Norma and Bill Tiefel
Jim and Beth Walton
Alex Wasil
Nancy F. Wheeler
Sari M. Wilkey
Lisa and Chad Wilkinson
Lisa Tano Wilkinson
David and Kayla Willson
1 Anonymous Donor
Press Release
August 15, 2024 | School Supply Drive collects thousands of supplies and over $14,000 for low-income students
July 23, 2024 | 12th Annual School Supply Drive benefiting Palm Beach County students in need starts July 28
News Coverage
August 17, 2024 | School supply drive brings $14,698 for needy Palm Beach County students
August 4, 2024 | Editorial: Donate to school supply drive and help kids get tools they need to succeed
July 25, 2024 | Town of Palm Beach United Way annual school supply drive, logo contest starts Sunday