About the Process
The Town of Palm Beach United Way works closely with our partner agencies to ensure that our annual donations are carefully and thoughtfully put to good use to help the most people. Every year, United Way volunteers assess agency programs for targeted outcomes and measurable results. We believe that quality programs and services can only be accomplished consistently and over the long run if an agency has the appropriate governance, financial, and administrative structure in place.
The allocation process is the cornerstone of our United Way. The process starts in January and runs through April. Allocation Committee teams consist of approximately 130 community volunteers who serve as the eyes and ears of thousands of our donors. Volunteer teams visit each of the Town of Palm Beach United Way partner agencies, educating themselves regarding the agency's mission and efforts to make a positive impact in the community. These committed volunteers spend three months and countless hours examining community needs and agency services. They analyze key financial information, visit partner agencies, meet with agency staff and board members, and ultimately make funding recommendations to the Town of Palm Beach United Way Board of Trustees.
The allocation process ensures fiscal and program accountability for all agencies receiving Town of Palm Beach United Way funds. In the process, volunteers challenge each agency's effectiveness at providing services, review the need for those services in Palm Beach County, and analyze the impact of United Way funding in meeting those needs.
During the 2024-2025 campaign, we are investing in 68 programs at 37 nonprofit agencies in our community.
We use donor dollars to provide financial support to diverse health and human service programs that work in concert to improve the lives of people in need throughout Palm Beach County. The graph illustrates what percent is invested in each of our impact areas.